Fiber Optic

Fiber Optic Cabling

What is fiber optic?

In fiber optics, signals are transferred by sending and receiving light photons by using lasers or extensive LEDs. The light signal that pass through the cores are picked up by the receiver at the end and translated into data for its end purposes.

Fiber optic

Why using fiber optic?

In the IT industry, fiber optic cabling is a necessity due to its high reliability and capability to reach higher speeds than copper cables. Because of its size, cable management for datacenters is easier to achieve high quality results.


For data connections, fiber optics are available in a variety of different connector types. Each type of connector is designed for a specific reason. MPO for an example ,contains multiple fiber cores. As a result, MPO is able to reach up to 800Gbps. Depending on your requirements, MPO cables may be suitable for a large interconnection. However, using single mode LC may also be suitable for smaller interconnections.

LC Multimode

High level

Intercx has certified technicians who can deliver high-level cabling results.

MTP/MPO-12 Fiber

Discover the abilities

Tidy cable management

Since a few years, tidy approach to cable management has become a modern way to connect server racks or infrastructures. As a result, tidy cabling achieve maximum air flow quality, which is an advantage for server equipment to extend its service life. Above all, tidy cable management makes it more easier to manage a server rack.

A fiber optic cable's size will minimize used space, and it will be easier to achieve a maximum level of cable management.
